Additional Information
A superb collection of standard repertoire for the classical singer. Titles range from Baroque to late 19th century and titles often appear on the ABRSM singing syllabus.
Book One Song List:
- A Little Folk Song (Schumann)
- Absence (Berlioz)
- Be Thou With Me (Bach)
- Good Night (Brahms)
- Hark! Hark! The Lark
- Hark! The Echoing Air
- Have You Seen But A White Lily Grow? (Anon)
- Impatience (Schubert)
- It Is A Wond Rous Mystery (Liszt)
- Ladybird (Schumann)
- Lovely Kind And Kindly Loving (Bononcini)
- Maiden With The Lips Like Roses (Franz)
- Nina
- Nina (Pergolesi)
- On Wings Of Song Op.34 No.2
- Pastoral (Carey)
- Red And White The Roses (Brahms)
- Sandmannchen
- Serenade
- The Lotus Flower (Schumann)
- The Lovely Month Of May (Schumann)
- The Secret (Schubert)
- The Wild Rose (Schubert)
- To A Nightingale (Brahms)
- Wilt Thou Not Give Thy Heart? (Bach)
- Amaryllis (Caccini)
- Come Again, Sweet Love [Dowland, John]
- Dedication (Widmung)
- Go To Bed Sweet Muse (Jones)
- I Heard The Rose (Franz)
- It Was A Lover And His Lass [Morley, Thomas]
- Laughing And Weeping (Schubert)
- Lo! He Has Come (Franz)
- Moonlight (Schumann)
- My Mother Bids Me (Haydn)
- Nymphs And Shepherds [Purcell, Henry]
- Pretty Swallow (Brahms)
- Sapphische Ode Op.94 No.4 [Brahms, Johannes]
- The Call Of The Wood (Schubert)
- The Dew Glistens Bright (Rubinstein)
- The Walnut Tree (Schuman)
- There Is A Garden (Campion)
- Thy Face (Schumann)
- To Be Near Thee (Rosa)
- Wanderer s Night Song (Schubert)
- When Daisies Pied [Arne, Thomas]
- Where The Bee Sucks [Arne, Thomas]
- Who Is Sylvia? [Schubert, Franz]
- Wiegenlied (Cradle Song)
- A May Night (Brahms)
- A Night In Spring (Schumann)
- Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind [Arne, Thomas]
- Celia The Fair [Monro, George]
- Come Once Again (Giordani)
- Constancy (Brahms)
- Good Night (Franz)
- I Chide Thee Not (Schumann)
- My Beloved Is Mine (Brahms)
- Night And Dreams (Schubert)
- None But The Desolate (Tschaikowsky)
- Out Of My Dark Despairing (Franz)
- So Like A Flower (Schumann)
- Sunday (Brahms)
- The Blacksmith [Brahms, Johannes]
- The Sea Hath Pearls (Franz)
- The Town (Schubert)
- To Anthea (Hatton)
- To Music (Schubert)
- Wandering [Schubert, Franz]
- Wiegenlied (Cradle Song)
- As I Walked Forth One Summer Day [Johnson, Robert]
- Bois Epais (Sombre Woods) [Lully, Jean-Baptiste]
- Death And The Maiden [Schubert, Franz]
- Dedication (Franz)
- Faith In Spring (Schubert)
- Fine Knacks For Ladies [Dowland, John]
- I Attempt From Love s Sickness To Fly [Purcell, Henry]
- I Do Confess (Lawes)
- In The Churchyard (Brahms)
Book Four Song List:
Book Three Song List:
Book Two Song List: